In the spirit of this theory, I gotta' reply! And definitely, I agree, but I think possibly for a more cynical reason. In broadcast syndication and re-packaging iz a big deal for the longevity of any property. Eventually this corroded even content creators on the internet in the form of compilation re-uploads, and viral-react videos.

Now there's less guessing involved on the part of the money-movers because the Algorithmz Abound. Smart Pipes of user engagement may be like those buttons on crosswalks. We press the button, unclear of whether it conjures the walking man quicker or not. If storytelling reaches a point of interaction, I see it interacting with our algorithm perhaps through the guise of us 'curating our experience.' Because you liked ROMANCE THRILLER we'll generate another for you, with the AWKWARD FAMILY TROPES you liked before. Did FATAL PLOT TWIST appeal to you or would you like a HAPPY ENDING this time around?

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Yes, definitely. One of the biggest improvements I think all streamers could make immediately is fine-tuning their recommendation algorithms, and this wouldn't even be that difficult! These are not complex algorithms! They're basically little more than card-sorting! If they let you interact with it a little more, or added a social component to it, that would sharpen it a lot.

I personally think all the streamers should be investing in properties that can build their audiences season after season, allowing audiences to keep investing and forming fan communities online and going deeper. This new thing about canceling shows after two seasons because they want to fish for new subscribers is SO short-sighted and I can't help but think it's what help led to the churn that led to a certain streamer's 70% share price fall last night.

Thanks for the comment and for being here! Hi!

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